Thursday, 22 January 2015

Winter outfit

 Hi guys! I'm really sorry because today's post is going to be very short. School has started again and I have a lot of work to do, but I hope you like it ^^

That's an outfit I would wear for a casual date with someone special or just with friends. I think this outfit it's really casual but at the same time it isn't because of the shoes that have some heel and the coat that has an elegant cut.

I bought this pair of booties 2 weeks ago on Zalando and I think they're really useful because you can wear them with jeans or even with a little dress and it will look good too. I only dislike one thing of them, although they're really comfortable if you're wearing jeans and they're a bit longer (as you can see on the pic above) looks a bit weird, but I really like them.

Jeans: Bershka
Booties: River Island
T-shirt: Bershka
Necklace: Primark

Well, that's all for today, I hope you like the post and I'll see you on the next one.
Bye! ♥

Friday, 9 January 2015

2014 Favourites

Hello my lovely readers, I hope you had a nice New Year Evening and Santa gave you all your wish list things! Today I'm gonna start with a TOP #10 of all my favourite things of this 2014. I'm not writing them in order so they're all equal important for me.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Cornmeal cookies ♨

Hello guys! I hope you had a nice new year's eve, today, the first day of 2015, the post is about cooking.  Last week I bought some cookie molds with which you can write on the cookie. They come with letters and pre-made words like "happy" "holidays" "birthday" and more like those ones, 'cause is quite a drag putting the letters one by one on the "rail", well, you'll see it right now.

That's how it looks, I think you can imagine how it works. It seems some kind of kid toy but it's really adorable to make something special ^^

I decided to try those molds and I made some cookies to do it, today I will explain how to make them!